Wednesday, August 11, 2010

i must change


In first grading, I had already learn many things. Discoveries that made me feel glad. In making blog account, posting drafts and also customizing our accounts. We also tried to post using symbols like <,> and / ,these symbols will automatically move.

In studying, we cannot avoid problems and hindrances. Problems that challenge us in doing it seriously and put in mind that this is part of our schooling.These were only the test to test us if we really learned something.

I got low scores in tests, sometimes I was not able to participate in the class and sometimes I was late.

I learned that its all my fault. I must study my lessons every night and listen to our teachers. And moving on, I will cope up this coming periodical test an making my projects good and submit on time.


1 comment:

fayjannell said...

Yes you're right.How I wish that there will be a change not only to you but to all of us.NO more CRAMMING and RUSHING.